Parish Calendar

Parish Calendar, here you will find dates to the most important events in our parish year.

Parish Calendar Post's & Updates

First Confessions 22nd March 2025

10am Bellewstown NS in St. Therese’s Bellewstown

11am Duleek Boys NS in St. Cianán’s Duleek             

12noon Duleek Girls NS in St. Cianán’s Duleek

2pm Mount Hanover and Cushenstown in St. Cianán’s Dulee    

3pm Donore NS in The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady Donore

4pm Knockcommon NS in The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady Rossnaree

Cemetery Sunday Weekend July 12th/13th 2025

Blessing of the graves will take place on Saturday 12th July at 4pm in Donore old Cemetery, 5pm Leck Cemetery and 6:30pm in Knockcommon Cemetery. On Sunday 13th at 11am in Donore Cemetery. Please note that no individual mass intentions will be taken cemetery Sunday weekend as all masses will be offered for those buried in our cemeteries.

Christmas Masses

Please join with us for the celebration of Christmas Mass:

Christmas Eve at 6pm in the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Rossnaree

& in the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Donore at 8pm.

Christmas Day at 11am in the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Donore

Confessions for Christmas in St. Cianán’s Duleek, Saturday 21st Dec. 12-1pm and 6-7pm

 & Christmas Eve 12-1pm

Sacramental Dates and Times 2025

Confirmation Thursday 6th February 2025

Duleek Girls & Bellewstown Schools @ 10am in St Cianán’s Church, Duleek

Duleek Boys & Cushenstown Schools @ 12noon in St Cianán’s Church, Duleek

Donore, Knockcommon & Mounthanover Schools @ 2pm in St Cianán’s Church, Duleek

First Holy Communion 2025

Saturday 10th May

Knockcommon                      6pm in the Nativity of Our Lady, Rossnaree

Sunday 11th May

Cushenstown & Mounthanover        10am in the Church of St. Cianán, Duleek  

Donore NS                      12noon in the Nativity of Our Lady, Donore

Sunday 18th May          

Duleek Girls                          10am in the Church of St. Cianán, Duleek            (Ms Fitzgerald’s class) 

Duleek Girls NS                    12noon in the Church of St. Cianán, Duleek               (Ms Tuohy’s class)

Sunday 1st June         

Bellewstown NS                   10am in the Church of St. Thérèse, Bellewstown                                

Duleek Boys NS                    12noon in the Church of St. Cianán, Duleek

Confirmation & First Holy Communion Enrolment 2025

It is important that those families seeking the gift of these sacraments take time and make effort in preparing their children by participating in the Parish Masses and other pastoral activities provided throughout the pastoral year leading up to the celebration of the sacraments. The sacraments are much more than just a one day event or party but an ongoing encounter with the Risen Lord, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the merciful love of Our Heavenly Father. We implore the guidance and intercession of Our Lady, St. Joseph and all the Saints as we journey together as a Faith Community at home, at church and at school.  Enrolment Forms for the children, with the support of their families, who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and make their First Holy Communion, will be available after Masses next weekend or from the Parish Office during Office Hours this week and next. Enrolment weekend will take place on Sunday 5th/6th  October when we will celebrate our baptismal call to Mission – You shall be My Witnesses!

Holy Week & Easter 24th – 31st March 2024

Psalm Sunday Blessing of Palms

Saturday 6:30pm; The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Rossnaree

Sunday 11am; The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Donore

Chrism Mass Cathedral Christ the King, Mullingar Wed 27th March @ 7pm

The Easter Triduum

Holy Thursday Morning Prayer of the Church 10am St. Cianán’s Duleek

Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30pm St. Cianán’s Duleek with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 11pm & Night Prayer of the Church

Good Friday Day of Fast & Abstinence Morning Prayer of the Church 10am St. Cianán’s, Duleek

Stations of the Cross 12noon The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Rossnaree

The Passion of Our Lord 6pm The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Donore

Holy Saturday Morning Prayer of the Church 10am St. Cianán’s, Duleek followed by Blessing of Baskets for the Polish Community

Confessions 11:30-12:30pm St. Cianán’s, Duleek

Easter Vigil 6:30pm The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Rossnaree

Easter Sunday Mass 11am The Church of the Nativity of Our Lady, Donore

Cemetery Sunday Weekend July 13th/14th 2024 

Blessing of the graves will take place on Saturday 13th July at 4pm in Donore Old Cemetery, 5pm Leck Cemetery and 6.30pm in Knockcommon Cemetery. On Sunday 14th July at 11am in Donore Cemetery. Please note that no individual mass intentions will be taken cemetery Sunday weekend as all mass will be offered for those buries in our cemeteries.   

Parish Calendar

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Donore Parish